Uchwalono Miejski Plan Adaptacji do zmian Klimatu

Żywiec City has responded to the climate challenge by adopting a Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The initiative heralds a new era in urban governance, aimed at increasing the city's resilience to changing weather conditions.
The resolution, based on the Commune Self-Government Act, commits to adaptation measures that will protect Żywiec from extreme weather events such as floods and heat. Residents can expect a comprehensive approach to the management of water, green spaces and urban infrastructure.
Ambitious Żywiec City climate adaptation plan underline, that activities at the local level is fundamental  for global response to the climate crisis. The document shows how, through properly coordinated urban policies, reduced the risk of natural disasters effectively while protecting ecosystems and improving the quality of life for citizens.
Implementation of such plans can help to raise the environmental awareness of local communities and strengthen their commitment for environmental protection. The example of Żywiec City, where adaptation strategies have already been implemented, can inspire other Municipalities to take their own initiatives, which will be as effective on a local scale as they are significant for nationwide and global adaptation efforts.

Uchwała nr LXXV/523/2023 RADY MIEJSKIEJ W ŻYWCU z dnia 22 czerwca 2023 r. w sprawie przyjęcia „Miejskiego Planu Adaptacji do zmian klimatu dla miasta Żywca".


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